What your skin resolution in 2023?

Menopausal health

Are you listening to your body?

What signs is it giving you?

Do you have a Cellular Malfunction Occurring?

Our body tells us when it in trouble.

We just have to recognize the signals our skin & body are giving us and not ignore them until the problem becomes serious.

•  Skin problems -Dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, acne social, eczema, infections and reactions

• Low energy level or fatigue

• Aches and pains

• Allergies

• Digestion troubles

• Sleep difficulties

• Susceptibility to infections

• Mood

• Weight issues

Going back to basics is always the answer!

What you do daily
impacts your skin, so have a good routine in place.

It is always tempting to jump on every new trend but sticking with tried and true habits makes all the difference.

Hydrate & Moisturise

Drink plenty of water and Moisturise morning and evening will keep your skin balanced and nourished to keep lines and wrinkles away.

Add in a healthy diet and lifestyle, as well as some targeted supplementation to protect the cells and ensure that they perform optimally as well as boost your immune system.

Immune Supplements – www.zinzino.com – Zinzino


It removes the dead skin cells to unclog pores and uncover healthy new cells.

Your skin will look fresh, smooth, and radiant. It will also help the skin repair itself.

Your skin care will also work more effectively.

It gives an instant glow.

Exfoliate 1-2 times per week.

Masks – www.zinzino.com – Zinzino

Work on your Gut health

The bacteria in the microbiome play a vital part in healthy growth, protecting the body and skin from invasion.

Prebiotics keep the microbiome of your skin healthy and improves your overall skin health regulating your immune system and aiding digestion.

So, it is essential to keep your gut healthy.

Gut Health Supplements – www.zinzino.com – Zinzino

Improve cell health by balancing your omega 3:6 ratio.

Fats are used to forming cell membranes, and omega 3’s structure provides a highly flexible form of fat that allows for other compounds to be transferred more easily in and out of the cells.
In short, omega-3 balance can improve cell fluidity.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients found in certain foods.

They can serve to regulate the skin’s oil production, improve balanced hydration, subdue breakouts and minimize signs of ageing.

Omega-3s can also help soften rough, dry skin and have a soothing effect on irritation and dermatitis.

But that’s not all! Research shows that regularly taking fish oil may boost the skin’s immunity to UV damage and skin cancer.

Did you know you can test and see if you are getting the right nutrients.

Omega Supplements – www.zinzino.com – Zinzino

Tests – www.zinzino.com – Zinzino

Wishing you a joyous year ahead.

Let me know your own skin resolutions for 2023

Love & blessings


6 Helpful tips for getting through Menopause – Glow with Helena (helenamallaghan.com)

Have you ever lost your keys and found them in the fridge?

Lapses in memory and concentration during the early and middle stages of menopause are common. It can feel very scary.

Estrogen is one major hormone that can impact memory before or during menopause.

As levels decline can lead to many discomforts, common symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, and mood swings. These menopause symptoms can also keep you up at night and leave you feeling fatigued and mentally drained.

I have put keys in the fridge, put a fresh bag of pasta in the bin instead of the cupboard, walked into a room many times and wondered why I was there, I locked myself out and had to wait 2 hours to get rescued. There’s many more but I will stop there.

Have you got a funny story about brain fog?

Good news-

Some studies have shown that most menopausal women have improvements in their memory after menopause.

What can help naturally.

Exercise is good for your mind and body. But avoid exercising too late in the day, as this can interfere with sleep. Lack of sleep can take a toll on your brain function.

So,try to create a healthy sleep routine by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.
It’s best not to rely on caffeine or alcohol to regulate your wakefulness.

A good idea is to keep your bedroom cool and well-ventilated to avoid hot flashes and take measures to decrease any other sleep disturbances. Sleep is precious, so you need a good routine, if you’re struggling like I was to sleep, then try a natural supplement.

Restore Supplements – www.zinzino.com – Zinzino

Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids have been found to improve memory and enhance learning. 

  Eating salmon, fresh tuna, oysters, and sardines. Other foods include eggs, milk, soy milk, yogurt, oatmeal, walnuts, and peanut butter. Many kinds of pasta and bread are enriched with omega-3s.

You can also find them in leafy greens like Brussel sprouts, kale, and spinach.

Taking a good natural supplement to balance your Omega 6:3 ratio can make a big difference and don’t eat large meals close to bedtime. I try not to eat anything between 7pm and 9 am, try to avoid spicy or foods high in acid and don’t drink too much coffee.

Limit your alcohol, BUT maybe drink red wine-I used to l love a wee glass of red wine, some studies have shown that drinking one glass of red wine a few days a week can help ward off memory problems.

Resveratrol, a natural chemical found in the skin of grapes, is an antioxidant that protects brain cells from damaging free radicals.

Learn to de-stress because when we are stressed, our body releases cortisol, the stress hormone and
long-term, overproduction of cortisol can damage our memory and learning ability.

Taking time to walk in nature, pray, meditate and journal my thoughts has really helped me. I use post it notes and to do list to help me stay on track.

I hope you have found this helpful. I would love to hear your stories.

Please drop them in the comments or send me a message on Facebook or Instagram and join our private Facebook group for support and friendship.

Happy Glowing beauties.

Sending you blessings & love.



(2) The High Vibe Menopause Cafe, grab yourself a coffee & let’s chat symptoms | Facebook

Balance Supplements – www.zinzino.com – Zinzino

6 Helpful tips for getting through Menopause – Glow with Helena (helenamallaghan.com)

Do you need to Body Brush?


Yes, those nasty harmful substances that are harmful to our health and a lot of these toxins enter through our skin.

Skin absorption is the transport of chemicals from the outer surface of the skin to both the skin and circulation, it can be from the environment, cosmetics, chemicals, cleaning products, food and skin products, poor lifestyle and illness.

Toxins are also produced in the body due to poor gut health. The food particles are not digested well enough to be absorbed across the gut wall pass down the alimentary canal where they rot, forming chemicals that irritate the mucosal lining of the G.I. tract.

Our bodies help filter toxins by its design but can get overloaded so it’s good to aid the detox process.

Drinking water, exercising as well as a good night’s sleep will help rid the body of toxins.

Adding dry skin brushing to your daily routine with boost your body’s ability to filter out these harmful toxins.

What is dry skin brushing?

Dry skin brushing is gently brushing the skin with a natural bristle brush. Using firm but gentle movements towards the heart. It exfoliates, stimulates, cleanses and tones.

There are many on the market, with or without handles for you to choose from. I have used Elemis, Body shop, Botanics.

Use your brush 1 to 2 times per week before your bath or shower, make sure your skin is dry skin, use with firm, long flowing movements starting at the feet, working your way up the body, always move towards your heart.

Use a lovely natural hydrating wash and nourishing moisturiser or oil afterwards and massage in the direction of the heart, using long gentle but firm movements. I don’t use loofahs or abrasive scrubs because loofahs are a perfect environment for bacteria to thrive! And the harsh scrubs can cause damage to the skin by causing micro-tears on the surface.

Clean your brush every week with mild shampoo and never brush over raised bumps, moles, warts or broken skin.

Why use a body brush?

As we get older, our bodies don’t shed the layers of dead skin cells fast enough so it’s a great way to exfoliate!

Regular exfoliation prepares you skin to absorb key ingredients by improving circulation, helping to support a healthy metabolism, whilst eliminating dead skin cells to help aid the body’s natural detoxification process.

It can help improve the look of cellulite, (Cellulite is a compose of toxic fat which builds below the skin giving you that dimpled effect) prevent ingrown hairs and improve skins texture so your skin is smoother and more even toned.

It can also help with hormonal imbalance!

The body’s lymphatic system is a large circulatory system that helps carry away fluid and waste proteins Aswell as move hormones through the body, so stimulating the lymphatic system through dry brushing helps get those hormones to where they should be as they influence nearly every cell and organ function in the body.

Aiding the Lymphatic system can help many menopausal symptoms including water retention, mood swings, insomnia and fatigue.

So, pick up that brush and get going, it will be worth it as part of your menopausal self-care. Your skin will feel soft and clean and totally refreshed.

Happy Glowing

Sending blessings



I hope you have found this helpful .I would love to hear your thoughts. Please drop them in the comments and join our private Facebook group to share your story, ask questions or share your tips.

(2) The High Vibe Menopause Cafe, let’s chat symptoms ,self-care and wellbeing | Facebook

Gut Health Supplements – www.zinzino.com – Zinzino

Elemis detox brush and BOTANICS are the brushes I have used.

“The reason why your tired. Menopause”

Menopausal fatigue is when you are feeling exhausted during the Menopause due to the body’s transition. The hormonal changes and your estrogen levels dropping. It can really affect your quality of life.

You feel tired all the time and have no energy or motivation. You can feel depressed and very alone.

Some women find it hard to carry out the normal day to day tasks, I personally felt I had been hit by a truck most days, my muscles felt heavy, and I felt totally drained. I got up tired and stayed that way only surviving on coffee, pain killers and wine!

You have a general feeling of weariness, your mood changes and sometimes you don’t know why, you feel irritated, and worn out and full of ressentiment or even rage.

There is good news though. It’s about looking after yourself, your overall health. You can’t get away with what you did when you were in your 20s,30s.

Making yourself a priority is key and doing what is right for you.

Making time to exercise is so important, I know, you think you are too tired or too sore!

But it helps with a lot of menopausal symptoms. I know if can be hard to motivate yourself especially when you feel like crap, so you need to find something that you will enjoy and get a friend involved. Having a good support network is vital, taking part in a charity fund raiser is a great way, not only are you helping others, you a boosting your mood, confidence and having fun.

I try to make sure I get 12000 to 15000 steps a day.

Getting a good night sleep is essential but sometimes that’s easier said than done.

Lack of sleep can really affect your health, recent research has linked sleep deprivation with high blood pressure, strokes, Alzheimer’s and diabetes.

Setting up an evening routine has been a life saver for me, about an hour before bed, I take time to meditate and journal, I switch off my notifications on my phone and go to bed around the same time every night.

I like to listen to Jason Stephenson guided sleep meditation most nights. Having a warm bath or shower helps get you feeling cosy, unless a hot flush is happening, then it’s a cool one. I spend some time on my skin care routine using my rose quartz roller to help me relax and feel good.

It is important to take time for yourself to relax, you are going through a lot, and you are entitled to pamper yourself and feel good. When you do you take the time, you will feel more energic and less stressed.

Make sure you are getting enough Omega 3, potassium, magnesium and vitamin B, D.I also take a natural sleep aid containing saffron, vitamin B-complex from buckwheat, magnesium from seawater, iodine, and vitamin C from acerola. 

It’s designed to relieve stress, improve mood and increase feelings of well-being. It supports a healthy functioning nervous system and brain, contributing to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

Restore Supplements – www.zinzino.com – Zinzino

Cutting down on caffeine, alcohol and eating the right foods will help, if you smoke, now’s the time to give it up. Its best to eat the rainbow, brightly coloured fruit and vegetables packed full of Phytonutrients which will support our body’s oxidant defence system.

Try to limit sweets and chocolates. Not eating after 7pm and before 10 am,Eating smaller potions throughout the day. I take a protein with gut health care and an Omega 3 supplement every day and feel so much better for it. I leave you the links.

We just don’t want to survive we want to thrive.

Omega Supplements – www.zinzino.com – Zinzino

Weight control – www.zinzino.com – Zinzino

One of the most important things you can do to help is look after your gut stimulate the growth of good bacteria throughout the colon. There are over 100 trillion bacteria in the human colon and while some are good for our health, others are less desirable.

The good bacteria use dietary fibres as their fuel, enabling them to outgrow and displace the less wanted bacteria. The good bacteria contribute to many important bodily functions, such as educating our immune system. A healthy gut is essential for a healthy body.

Good gut health is linked

  • A strong immune system
  • Healthy heart
  • Brain health
  • Improved mood
  • Healthy sleep
  • Effective digestion
  • Potential prevention of autoimmune disease

Fiber also contributes to a feeling of fullness in the stomach (which can help with appetite control), but at the same time they reduce bloating. There may be a short period of adjustment while the fibres begin to improve the bacterial population, but this is a minor and passing step on the way to
better situation.

Let’s thrive beauties, because there is still a long way to go so, we must make it the best time in our life. What is your story?

I would love to hear from you. Please drop them in the comments or join our private Facebook group to share your story, ask questions or share your tips.

Happy Glowing.

Sending you love & Blessings



6 Helpful tips for getting through Menopause – Glow with Helena (helenamallaghan.com)


(5) The High Vibe Menopause Cafe, grab yourself a coffee & let’s chat symptoms | Facebook

Let’s Take A minute to Boost our Health, Mood & Wellbeing.


Over the past few years, we have a lot to deal with and not only have we had to cope with everyday stress and hustle. We had to change the way we live our lives. Covid and its knock-on effects have given us plenty of reasons to feel anxious, stressed, and depressed.

So that is why self-care is never been more important for everyone.

But when you throw menopause into the mix, it can be a very scary unbalanced time.

So Menopausal beauties, it’s time to take self-care seriously and schedule it into your day and help your family schedule theirs too.

The benefits of taking time out to focus on self-awareness, listening to your body, and taking the time to nourish it properly with the right foods and supplements. Because let’s face it, eating healthy isn’t make easy, is it?

Walk into any supermarket and see the amount of sugar and processed foods that are on offer. So adding high-quality supplements helps get you what you need.

Making sure you add self-care steps into your routine is not only vital for your mental health, but research suggests that the more we practice self-care activities, the more it boosts our confidence, and helps us be more creative, and productive.

We feel more joyful, and we can make better decisions, and communicate more effectively so our relationship flourishes.

Let’s start to enjoy the Glow steps to self-care

Try to wake up at the same time every day instead of hitting the snooze button so your body can learn to prepare for waking up at that time.

You will feel less tired over the day, and it will be a good step out of lying to yourself.

Burning something soothing like lavender essential oil, burn a candle with your favourite small, or spray a scent that reminds you of a wonderful time.

Scientists have found that the olfactory sense is the only one with a direct link to the limbic system, the area of the brain that plays a major role in emotional regulation, memory, and behaviour.

Start a side hustle or start a hobby. Doing something you love will It reduces stress, and it is said to even activate genes that increase immunity and decrease inflammation in the body.

So, it is one of the best self-care glow steps you can do so get your thinking cap on.
What do you love to do?
What did you love to do as a child?

Write your answers in your journal, if you don’t have one, start because the benefits are unbelievable.

When I first started, I used to stare at a blank page for ages, not knowing what to write. Then, I was given some good advice.
Write a love letter to yourself…

You might think what! But having self-confidence is a crucial ingredient for happiness.

Answer me this? When was the last time you gave yourself a well done, it looked in a mirror and you liked what you saw.

I know it sounds daft, but bare with me and you just might see that instead of judging ourselves all the time and picking faults. A better way is to praise ourselves and be proud of who we are and what we have accomplished.

If you still find it hard, try to think about what your bestie would say about you.

A face mask is just as beneficial for your well-being as it is for your skin because it serves as a time to take a break and treat yourself.

Try my favourite AMAZE it is a highly potent mix of active ingredients comprised of plant stem cells from Swiss snow algae and edelweiss, an anti-wrinkle peptide complex, and a unique combination of minerals, vitamins and natural oils.

Giving you a long-lasting smooth, hydrated plump skin. It has a Botox-like effect, corrects fine lines and wrinkles for comfort, whilst boosting your skin elasticity – the skin is plumped and intensively hydrated. Well worth a try.

Masks – www.zinzino.com – Zinzino

Make it a habit to do a weekly home spa facial. lay on your bed and meditate, listen to an uplifting podcast or run yourself a bubble bath.

Practice gratitude every day, noting down a few things you’re grateful for in your journal, or have a gratitude jar, write what you are grateful for on a post-it note and pop it in the jar.

At the end of the month, sit down with your coffee and read through them.

Keep it simple by beginning your day by thinking about 3 things you appreciate.

Have a massage, it doesn’t just feel good at the moment. Whether it’s from your partner, a tool, or a professional, massages have been shown to relieve pain and stiffness, boost immunity, reduce anxiety and depression, lower stress and blood pressure, and increase circulation.

Let’s dance, turn on your favourite tunes and let go, I love to dance like there’s no one watching.

Snack on healthy foods. Fuel your body with a mixture of proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates, it staying to stay healthy, balanced and in a good mood.

Stop the endless scroll of social media, and read a good book, go for a walk

And stop saying YES to things you don’t want to do. It’s ok to say NO.

Self-care is ultimately looking after yourself. Then when your battery is full you can go on to help others.

Well beauties, I hope you found some value today, please share your self-care routine ,i would love to hear them. Send me a message on Instagram or Facebook or come join us in The High Vibe Menopause Cafe.

(9) The High Vibe Menopause Cafe, grab yourself a coffee & let’s chat symptoms | Facebook

Balance Supplements – www.zinzino.com – Zinzino

6 Helpful tips for getting through Menopause – Glow with Helena (helenamallaghan.com)

Sending love & Blessings



Are you owning your Iconic self? No time like Now!

Menopausal Beauties, last week I was having deep conversations with a couple of my clients about
stepping into the GLOWING GODDESS POWER now. And to start owning their Iconic


Have you got an Icon that you love?

I am sure you have. We all have someone we aspire to be like, not to BE,
just to have the same values. Have you ever taken the time to think about why
you adore her, what is it about her, that makes you feel that way.

To me an Icon is someone who overcomes the hurdles in life to have influence,
she has a deep-rooted confidence in herself and the value she holds. She knows
who she is and is not afraid to show it.

In other words, she knows her identity and has the confidence to show it and
she owns her power, and you can see her GLOW.

One of my Icons is the amazing French fashion designer.

~Coco Chanel.

A true Glowing Goddess!

You only need to walk into a department store to smell the gorgeous Coco Chanel.

Coco mademoiselle has been a favourite of mine for years.

I love it……

Coco did not have a great start in life, I am sure that is relatable to many of
us. But our struggles, does not need to hold us back.

After her mother died her father abandoned her. She had to learn how
to take care of herself.

Coco studied the art of sewing when she was growing up in the orphanage.
It was her passion, and she followed her dreams and eventually it
paid off when she found backing to open her boutique.

In 1913 she launched her first fragrance, the world-famous Channel No5 and
It is still a classic to this day.

Her business became a success, and she became one of the most iconic women
in the world.

What an inspiration….

We need embrace our inner icon and take advantage of opportunities when they
knock on our door, so we create our own legacy.

We are all unique and have our own purpose but sometimes life gets in
the way, or we let self-doubt stop us from stepping into our GLOWING GODDESS

If you are not happy with your life, you need to make a change believe in

Step out of your comfort zone, seize opportunities, and start to live your
best life.

Life is tough, but we are tougher.

Are you struggling to find your inner icon? Try this to kick start your journey to your inner icon.

Journal ten things that you love doing and what are you are
good at. I know this can be hard, talk to a friend and ask them “what make me a

(1) Helena Mallaghan | Facebook

Helena Mallaghan (@glow_w_helena) • Instagram photos and videos

I hope this has given you an Aha moment. I would love you to share your
response, please message me on Facebook or Instagram with your “10 things”.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Sending Love, Light & Healing energy



P.s Come and join our free private Menopause group (12) The High Vibe Menopause Cafe, grab yourself a coffee & let’s chat symptoms | Facebook We would love to have you.

Ways to help with Spots during menopause

Small spots can appear on your face, back, chest, arms, & hairline in perimenopause which can cause you to feel frustrated and anxious ,its as if something is crawling over your skin and you just want to scream!!!

Perimenopause is the lead up to menopause when the hormone levels start to decline. Our body starts to be more dry and sensitive to things like lotions ,Soaps and beauty products.

The drop in the levels of estrogen can cause your skin to be itchy and red and very annoying.

Spots can be caused by hormones too ,but also by excess oil or dead skin that builds up within the pores of your skin. So it is important to take care of your skin.

Your skin contains oil glands that produce sebum, which works to protect and lubricate your hair and skin.

But the build up of sebum in a pore can cause a reaction of redness or slight swelling on the skin.

 Oils and dead skin can build up naturally, especially in hairy areas causing spots or irritation.

This can really make you feel stressed , irritated and self-conscious, so make sure wash your hair and cleanse your skin regularly, Wash your skin with natural ingredient and don’t use hot water and pay extra attention after exercise or hot weather.

Use more natural ingredients in your products so you have less irritation.

Exfoliate your skin twice a week and make sure your masking too. Keep the skin hydrated to help the skin repair it self and eliminate the toxins.

Foundations and concealers are often left on overnight or for too long which can cause a build up of oils, dead skin and dirt which can clog the pores causing spots.

So make sure you remove your make up and don’t keep laying on top of your make up.

Some hair products such as hairspray, mousse, oils, and gels can contribute to an excess of oil and skin reactions in the hairline.

Hats, bandanas, or headbands can also trap sweat and oil in the hairline that can build-up sweat and oil that may cause acne or pimples in the hairline.

So make sure your washing them regularly.

Hormonal changes, especially in teens and young adults, can cause an increase in oil production that contributes to acne or spots in the hairline, face, and other areas of the body.

Unfortunately, menopause doesn’t mean the end of spots, but by taking good care of your skin it can really help.

Some women get acne throughout their lives while others get more acne when estrogen levels drop after menopause.

Keep your skin clean and don’t use harsh ingredients on your skin. Try to use natural brands as your skin needs to be balanced.

💛Use natural ingredients in your
    skincare, hair and body products

💛Remove your Make-up.

💛Exfoliate face & Body.

💛Cleanse morning and night and
    after exercise.

💛Don’t use harsh ingredients.

💛Eat healthy – Collagen boosting foods, it C and Omega 3s

💛Drink plenty of water

💛Cut down alcohol

💛Quit smoking

💛Take omega 3s

 I hope you have found this helpful. I would love to hear your thoughts. Please drop your comments and feel free to join our private Facebook group and share your story, ask question share your advice.

Please download my top five collagen boosting foods to help you keep your skin healthy.

Share with a friend that might find it helpful.

Balance Supplements – www.zinzino.com – Zinzino

(2) The High Vibe Menopause Cafe, grab yourself a coffee & let’s chat symptoms | Facebook

As always, shine like a diamond.

Sending you love, light & Healing Energy.



It helps to know your SKIN TYPE!

Menopausal Beauty,What’s your skin type?

Everyone’s skin is different and your type depends on how much oil and water you have. There are may things that effect your skin: sun, weather, lack of sleep and bad habits.

They way your skin ages depends of a number of factors :your lifestyle ,diet, heredity and other habits you may have.

If you don’t care for your skin both internally and externally it can lead to a number of conditions. However, we can help our skin by having a good skin care routine, eating well balance diet, staying hydrated and movement.

 Oily skin

Is used to describe a skin type with heightened sebum production. An over production is known as seborrhoea.

Genetics hormonal changes and imbalances medication stress comedogenic cosmetics (make-up products that cause irritation).

It may seem like a good idea to use products that dry out your skin, but in the long term its is not, as they stimulate the production of more oil whilst drying out the skin causing dehydration. Leading to more problems.

Products which cause your skin to tingle or that contain alcohol should also be avoided. Tingling means irritation and that is never good. It is important to be gentle, use a Ph balanced foam cleanser morning, and night and after exercise with an oil free moisturiser will help keep the skin healthy.

Cutting down on alcohol and caffeine will help as well. Too much can damage the blood vessels and cause blood vessels and oil glands to enlarge, which will cause pores to also enlarge.

Try regular exercise and stay hydrated to help.

Dry skin

Appear and feel tight and rough, very dry can be cracked in areas because it produces less sebum than normal skin.

Because of the lack of sebum, the skin lacks the lipids that it needs to retain moisture and build a protective shield against external influences.

Because there is a direct connection between the gut and skin health, increasing your daily intake of fats may help with dry skin.

Try eating a diet rich in fatty fish, olive oil, and avocados along with a good skin care routine. Do not overdo it with alcohol, caffeine, and coffee as they are diuretics that will cause dehydration. Remember to drink lots of water.

Sensitive skin

Can exhibit the characteristics of dry skin, oily skin, or combination skin, but they also deal with a great amount of redness, blotchiness and irritation.

Normal skin types may also have sensitive skin, but these generally do not overlap. Sensitive skin types can be caused by skin conditions like rosacea or allergies, so it is best to avoid harsh chemical-based skincare treatments.

This skin type is also easily inflamed, so it is important to choose the right natural skin care for sensitive skin to avoid any adverse reactions.

Combination Skin/Normal

A well-balanced skin is dry or normal in some area(cheeks) and oily in others-zones known as the T-zone (forehead, chin and nose) may be bit oily, but overall sebum and moisture is balanced. So the skin is neither too oily nor too dry.

Has fine pores with good blood circulation and has soft, smooth texture with no blemishes and is not prone to sensitivity.

Taking care of normal skin is just as important to maintain skins health.

No matter your skin type don’t use too many products to over whelm your skin. Moisturise morning and evening. Exfoliate 1-2 times a week.

Drink plenty of water and don’t touch your face and always remove your make up before going to bed.

Get a good nights sleep, use a silk pillow case , select natural skin care products that are right for your skin and use SPF.

I know can be difficult to meet your skincare goals when there is so much choice on the market and you just end up confused, you really don’t know where to start!

Especially during Perimenopause/Menopause, you are already going through so many changes.

And all you want is a healthy natural glow!!!!

I know how you feel, my passion is to help you get that glow and keep glowing. Book a glow call and we will have a 1-2-1 chat about you and your skin care needs, goals and together we will get you on track.

I look forward to chatting with you.DM me on Instagram/Facebook or join our Facebook group. click below.

(1) Menopausal Beauties raising our vibration | Facebook

P.s BOOST your Collagen NOW! Don’t let those levels drop.

BOOST your Collagen NOW! Don’t let those levels drop. – Glow with Helena (helenamallaghan.com)

Hydro MANIAC tinted glow hydrator!

Hydro MANIAC tinted glow hydrator!

Hello Menopausal Beauties,

I have been trying Urban Decay’s.

Hydro MANIAC tinted glow hydrator is a tinted glow foundation infused with kombucha filtrate and marula oil to give an even coverage, add hydration and give a fresh glow. Comes in a handy tube 35mls for £29, great value , Brilliant to keep make-up bag and handy when you are traveling. I love when a great foundation comes in a tube, its less messy.

What Urban Decay says-
New Hydro MANIAC hydrating tinted glow foundation with a vegan formula* that is packed with hydration for your skin, lasting up to 24 hours. 12 flexible shades, designed to suit your skin tone by allowing your real skin to show through the sheer glow finish with buildable, medium coverage. Hydro MANIAC tinted glow foundation contains Kombucha filtrate and marula oil and has been formulated to give lasting hydration.

The formula is very pliable and has beautiful nourishing ingredients such as Kombucha filtrate and Marula oil to detoxify and hydrate the skin.

I found it has light buildable coverage that really enhances your own natural skin, it gives adds lovely natural glow to your skin. The claims are that it can last up to 24,

I did not test that, but it does stay fresh for a good 6 hours and wore off gracefully.

                  List of the shades

  1.  10 – Ultra-Fair Neutral
  2.  20 – Fair Neutral
  3.  30 – Light Neutral
  4.  40 – Light-Medium Neutral
  5.  41 – Light-Medium Neutral
  6.  50 – Medium Warm
  7.  51 – Medium Neutral
  8.  60 – Medium-Dark Warm
  9.  70 – Dark Warm
  10.  80 – Deep Warm
  11.  81 – Deep Warm Neutral
  12.  90 – Ultra-Deep Warm

   kombucha as an active ingredient also combats the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and improves skin clarity and texture to give a brightening effect and you can drink it as a tea.

Marula oil is high in antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and amino acids. It is widely used as an ingredient in skin care products, and appears to be beneficial for oily, acne-prone, dry, and aging skin.

So, this little tube is packed full of goodness for the skin. It glides on so smoothly, you can use your fingers to glide and press it onto your skin or with a brush.

I prefer a Kabuki brush, as I am used to using brushes, but I do see the reasoning for using your hands, it will warm the formula making it easier apply to the skin.

 I am using shade 50, it is a warm medium tone.

As you know I turned 50 last April so I have mature combination skin and It feels hydrating and comfortable on my skin.

In the past when I have tried more moisturizing foundations, they have had a habit of separating and settling into my lines which is not a good look

But with this one, that did not happen. If your are Perimenopausal/Menopausal and you are looking for a lovely calming hydrating tinted foundation, this might be for you but maybe not if you are suffering from hot flushes.

If you wanted a slightly sheerer coverage, you could mix it with your primer. I mixed it with MAC Strobe cream (£25) in Goldlite for a sheerer more pearlized look and it gave beautiful radiant glow to my skin.

For a fuller coverage add a little concealer. I used Double wear Stay in place flawless concealer in 3w (£25) to the centre of the skin, and to my little imperfections .

If your skin is oily, and textured it may not be for you, you might want a more matte foundation but give it a try if you are dry/dehydrated or have mature skin and you want a lovely even natural glow.

I did not set with power as I wanted to see what it looked like after a few hours and I was not disappointed.

I will certainly be adding this to my favourite list, it will be part of my natural casual day make up.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Keep Glowing.

Sending you Love & Healing Energy.




MAC Strobe Cream (Various Shades) – LOOKFANTASTIC

Estee Lauder Stay-in-Place Flawless Wear Concealer SPF 10 – boots

P,s Boosting your Collagen is so important so i have put together my 5 top foods to do just that.

BOOST your Collagen NOW! Don’t let those levels drop. – Glow with Helena (helenamallaghan.com)

“Menopausal Beauties, This may surprise you?”

HRT hormone replacement therapy, it is prescribed to help balance our hormones when Menopause kicks in. I couldn’t have HRT breast cancer ran in my family and I had a lump removed in my thirty’s. I have always struggled with heavy, painful periods due to fibroids.

Finally, I got them removed by hysterectomy because they were getting out of control, they putting too big. I had one attached to my bladder and one attached to my bowel. After my recovery I felt great for a year or two then Perimenopause kicked in.

So, I went on the search for natural aids to help. It used to be treated like an illness by it is a natural process of a woman. Changing my mindset and my behaviour helped.

Eating Soy was one of them, now it isn’t the same as HRT but it can help. Nutrition can help menopausal symptoms. In Asian countries where soy is a key part of their diet, certain menopausal symptoms are less common.

There have been studies that showed mixed results, but I have found it has help, like many natural things but I haven’t found many Doctors very helpful. It’s like anything a personal choice for you to try. You will probably notice a reduction in hot flushes and night sweats.

Having good quantities, phytoestrogens, like soy can help symptoms.

Soy is a protein source low in saturated fats so it is also good for a healthy heart, it is from certain plant foods that containing Phytoestrogens are alike to the structure of estrogen so it can have a similar effect. There is so much soy products on the market that you can find one you like. I love Edamame bean; Miso soup, soya latte and soymilk and I use gluten free soya sauce when cooking.

As you know throughout Perimenopause and Menopause, estrogens levels decrease. The dip can increase the risk of heart disease and Osteoporosis.

Soy is low in calories, and high in fibre to keep your bowels healthy, Protein to help repair your tissue and hormones and boost your immune system, I found taking a protein powder supplement help me lose weight. Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation, which can relieve joint pain, stiffness, cramping and improve your mood. Antioxidants can help with bone loss.

So, it’s worth a try.

 I hope you have found this helpful. I would love to hear your thoughts. Please drop your comments and feel free to join our private Facebook group and share your story, ask question share your advice.

As always, shine like a diamond.

Sending you love & Healing Energy.



(2) The High Vibe Menopause Cafe, grab yourself a coffee & let’s chat symptoms | Facebook

P.s Start boosting your Collagen, it is essential during Perimenopause/Menopause. I have put together my 5 Collagen boosting foods for you to eat.